Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Most Popular Florida Physical Therapy Schools

In the state of Florida, those who wish to study physical therapy are at a real advantage over those who live in other states. That?s because Florida has a wide variety of different postgraduate physical therapy programs in place, while most other states only have one or two at most. Some states don?t even have any accredited programs for students to attend, making it very difficult for residents of those states to ever become physical therapists. As a Florida resident, though, you have everything going for you, and your dreams are completely possible. All you have to do is get your undergraduate degree from an accredited university and then start exploring your different postgraduate educational options. Just keep in mind that you cannot apply for doctorate level programs until you already have a master?s level degree under your belt.

Those who need to obtain their master?s degree in Florida have more choices than those seeking a doctorate degree. One possible school to attend for a master?s degree in physical therapy is Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University. Located in Tallahassee, this school offers a very practical and experience-based approach to physical therapy training. Florida Gulf Coast University, in Fort Meyers, is another excellent option, as is Florida International University, based in Miami. Other choices include Nova Southeastern University, based in Ft. Lauderdale, the University of Central Florida in Orlando, and the University of North Florida in Jacksonville.

If you are at a higher level in your education and wish to receive a doctorate level degree, you still have several great educational options. They include the University of Florida, located in Gainesville, the University of Miami in Coral Gables, the University of South Florida in Tampa, and the University of Saint Augustine for Health Sciences in Saint Augustine.

If none of the above options seems like a good fit for you, don?t worry. There is no rule that says you have to choose a school in your state, or even a school with a physical location. In today?s world, it is becoming more and more common to obtain educational training and degrees online. You just have to be careful, as you would with any traditional school, to find a program that is fully accredited and legitimate. There are, however, a lot more scams on the internet to be careful of than there are out in the ?real? world. Know that any degree or certificate from an unaccredited online school is completely useless, no matter how much work you are required to do or how much money you spend.

Some online colleges and universities that, for whatever reason, tend to get a lot of Florida students include Utica College, which offers an online transitional doctorate degree in physical therapy, and The CDI College of Business and Technology, which offers a degree in rehabilitation therapy assisting. Other common choices are Ashworth College and Penn Foster Career School. With a little research, though, you can uncover even more great online schools.

If online schooling is not for you, you might also think about colleges and universities in nearby states. Georgia, for example has masters degree programs in physical therapy at Armstrong Atlantic State University in Savannah, and at North Georgia College and State University in Dahlonega.? For masters? degrees, popular options are Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia State University, also in Atlanta, and Medical College of Georgia, located in Augusta.

No matter what schooling option you choose, you can have success as long as your program is accredited and as long as you work hard. While focusing on your education is extremely important, it is also important that you try to gain real experience in the field as well, either while you are in school or shortly after graduation. Taking on internships, either as a volunteer, for pay, and/or for school credit is one of the best ways to gain experience and to make important connections in the field, connections that could lead to employment later on down the road. Job shadowing and other opportunities should also be taken advantage of, as they will help you to put your education into practice and to begin building a resume for your career.


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